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Letrozole or Clomid IUI 


1. Call 1-781-944-0052 OR send a message in the patient portal on cycle day 1 of your period by 3:00pm

2. You will come in for blood work and vaginal US on cycle day 2. Results will be reviewed by the MD and you will receive portal instructions that afternoon. You will likely start yourLetrozole or Clomid on cycle day 2 for 5 days.

3. You will return for blood work and vaginal ultrasound on cycle day 10-12

4. You will likely return every other/every day for blood and vaginal ultrasound based on your results. Once you have a mature follicle(s) the MD will order Ovidrel. You will receive portal instructions to take Ovidrel Prefilled Syringe (250 mcg) on a particular night and be scheduled for your IUI/DI 2 days later.

5. You will have one IUI procedure. IUIs are typically performed midmorning.

6. Your pregnancy test will be scheduled for 14 days after the insemination.

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