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IVF- OCP Microflare FSH

Your treatment plan will be submitted to FCNE’s insurance team once all of the ordered testing is resulted

and valid consents are on file.

Please note that the insurance approval process can take up to 21 business days.
Once approved, you will be notified via the portal. The clinical team will then begin to work on the
medication order within 72 hours. Please note that in most cases Prior Authorization is required (PA). The
time from medication order to delivery to your home could take up to 10-14 days.
Please note that a cycle can’t be started until you have received all of the medications.


1. Contact your Care Team on Cycle day 1 by calling 781-944-0052 OR send a
message via the Patient Portal. You will be instructed to start birth control pills
on cycle day 2, please note that you will need to take this pill at the same time
every day for the best effect. You may end up taking all 28 pills in your pack.
Please contact us again by calling or send a portal message if you get
another period. You will be instructed to start a new pack of pills on cycle day

2. You will continue taking birth control pills until told to stop. Your cycle may
require you to take several packs of pills.

2. Once your IVF cycle is approved and you have your IVF medications
delivered contact your Care Team by calling781-944-0052 OR send a
message via the Patient Portal. We will give you a stop date for the pill and a
date for your baseline ultrasound and bloods. We expect you to get a period
after stopping the birth control pill. You do not need to let us know when you
get it.

3. Abstain from unprotected intercourse from day one of your period until you have the pregnancy test at the end of your cycle.

4. Every time that you come in for ultrasound and bloods you will receive portal
instructions in the afternoon. These will include what medication(s) to take,
how much, on what days and when to return for monitoring.


Please take morning injectable medications at a time that works with your morning schedule
within a 2-hour time frame from day to day.
Please take evening injectable medications between 7 – 9 PM within a 2-hour time frame from
day to day. If there is a day that you have plans to be out in the evening it is better to take the
injection earlier before you go out.
The trigger injection (Human Chorionic Gonadatropin, Pregnyl) will be injected at a time
specified by FCNE and will be included in your instructions.

5. You will be instructed to return for a blood test after 3 - 5 nights of injections.

We will send portal instructions that afternoon. You will come back for bloods
and an ultrasound 2 or 3 days later.

6. When you have enough follicles 17.5 mm or larger you will be instructed to
discontinue your Microdose Leuprolide Acetate, Gonal-F/Follistim and
Menopur and take a one time injection of HCG/Human Chorionic
Gonadotropin/Novarel/Pregnyl. This injection is taken at a VERY SPECIFIC
TIME in the evening 36 hours before your egg retrieval.

7. You will be instructed to have nothing to eat or drink starting @ 12 AM the
day of your egg retrieval. You will arrive 30 – 60 minutes before your egg
retrieval. You will be instructed not to wear make-up, jewelry or contact
lenses. You will need a responsible ride home. If you are using a ride
service such as Uber, LYFT or a taxi cab you MUST be accompanied by
someone to care for you.
If applicable, your husband or male partner will
need to produce a semen sample when the two of you arrive the day of the
egg retrieval if you are not using donor sperm or frozen sperm.

8. You may receive written instructions at your egg retrieval to begin
Estrace/estradiol once a day beginning that evening. You will receive portal
instructions the day after egg retrieval with fertilization results, progesterone
support instructions and embryo transfer instructions. Embryo transfer is
schedule for 5 days after egg retrieval.

9. You will be instructed to arrive with a full bladder 15 minutes before your scheduled
embryo transfer. You can eat and drink that morning unless otherwise instructed.
Once the embryo transfer is complete, you will be discharged to your home with
instructions to rest that day.

10.You will come back for your pregnancy blood test 10 –11 days after your
embryo transfer. We will call you that afternoon with your results.

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